Guidelines for Moderators


Your priority will be to ensure sessions keep to time and, as you will see from the programme, the format is primarily invited speakers followed by selected abstract presentations and then a concluding panel discussion. 

Invited speakers have 20 minutes and and one question and the abstract presenters 10 minutes and one question.  

The panel time of 20 minutes will be when all speakers and presenters are seated on the stage and the moderator, standing at the lectern, will manage further questions from the audience. 


Preparing questions pre session and making a note of potential questions during the presentations will be useful in the event none are asked from the audience. 


  • As moderator you will wear a tie clip microphone
  • Speakers and presenters will stand at the lectern with its own microphone
  • For the panel there will be several hand-held mics.
  • Microphone runners will be in the auditorium to pass them to questions from the floor.

Speaker Guidelines

Thank you for agreeing to participate as a speaker at the Synuclein 2025 Meeting. We appreciate you giving up your time to help us present an exciting and innovative programme for our delegates. 


This document sets out all the important information that you will need to consider in preparation for the conference.


1. Presentation Preparation

  • Format: PowerPoint, wide screen format, 16:9 (more information on changing the size of your slides can be found here)
  • Slide Templates: The Syn25 template slides are available to download here 
  • Title slide:  Please use a template for your title slide followed by a ‘conflict of interest’ disclosure and feel free to use branded slides for the rest of your presentation, but this is not compulsory.
  • Speakers disclosures: Speakers are asked to disclose conflicts of interest at the beginning of their presentation, with sufficient time for the information to be read by the audience. They should disclose financial relationships with manufacturers of any commercial product and/or providers of commercial services used on or produced for patients relating to the 36 months prior to the event. These include speaker fees, research grants, fees for other educational activities such as training of health professionals and consultation fees. Where a speaker owns shares or stocks directly in a company producing products or services for healthcare this should also be declared. Finally, other conflicts of interest including expert functions in health care or healthcare guidance processes should be declared (e.g. if the professional is a member of a health board). 
  • Font size: please ensure that the font size is large enough to be seen from the back of the room. 
  • Branding: speakers from industry must not have their corporate branding on presentational material and will need to declare any conflicts of interests at the outset of the session. 
  • Providing your slides in advance: ideally, please send your finished slides to by Monday 31st March so that they can be checked before being pre-loaded onto the main presentation laptop. This is particularly important if you have any video content.
  • Large file transfer: if your presentation file is too large to email, please either share a download link from your drive or SharePoint, or send via using the email above.
  • File labelling: Your file name should have the following format: yourSurname-DAY-session-order.ppt (e.g. Smith-FRI-2-3.ppt) 
  • Bringing your slides on the day: please bring your presentation on a USB stick. Please present yourself at the registration desk and you will be escorted to the technician desk alongside the stage.

2. On-site

Presentation facilities:

  • All presentations will be delivered from a lectern on the main stage in front of a large screen.
  • The lectern will have microphones fitted and a 13” laptop showing the PowerPoint with presenter view so any notes will be visible and there will also be a larger comfort screen on the stage floor.
  • A remote clicker with laser pointer will be provided so that you can advance the slides however overall control will be managed by a technician off stage if necessary.
  • Additional requirements: Should you require a different AV set-up, please inform the organisers in plenty of time BEFORE the session begins. if using your own MAC, please bring the necessary adaptors and allow plenty of time to load and test your slides.

3. On-site

Technical Briefing and Timing

  • On the day you are involved in the programme, please check in at the registration desk upon arrival at the venue so we know you are ‘in the house’
  • Make your way to the stage area of the presenting room at least 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the session you are involved in to allow time for a short familiarisation briefing with the technician and to meet the session Moderator/Chair. (This will usually be during a refreshment break).
  • Invited speakers have 20 minutes and one question
  • Selected abstract presenters have 10 minutes and one question
  • The concluding 20-minute panel will be when all speakers and presenters are seated on the stage and the moderator, standing at the lectern, will manage further questions from the audience

+44 (0) 1562 731788

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