Presenter Guidelines

Publication of abstracts

Please note: by presenting at the conference you agree for your abstract to be published in a supplement of the Journal of Neurotrauma. Please inform the organisers ( if you do not consent to publication and it will be removed.

Oral presentations

We have a packed high quality programme at the meeting, and alongside the general information below, we would like to highlight the following key points, especially to more junior presenters:

In order to give everyone a fair opportunity to present their research, every speaker should respect the time allocated to them and not encroach on other speakers’ slots. Please do not take offence if the chair cuts your talk off at the designated time: they have been given strict instructions to do so.


Details of your talk time were sent out with the speaker guidelines.

  • Invited Speakers (unless otherwise informed) 16 minutes talk time + 4 minutes for questions
  • Top scoring abstracts (plenary sessions) 8 minutes talk time + 2 minutes for questions
  • Oral Presentations 5 minutes talk time + 1 minute for questions
  • Data Blitz Presentations 2 minutes talk time + 1 minute for questions

Handing in your presentation

Please arrive at the conference in plenty of time before your session and check-in at the speaker preview desk in the venue which you are presenting so the technicians can check your presentation. You can bring your presentation on USB, laptop or email to

Presentation facilities

You will be presenting in an auditorium with tiered seating (lecture theatre); a standard a projector, screen, lectern with microphones, presentation laptop will be available in the auditorium. 

Presentations will be brought up on screen by a technician running presentations from the control area at the back of the room. There will also be an option for presenters to plug in their own laptop at the lectern if they would like to - in either case they should all report to speaker preview.

Presentation etiquette

Time keeping Due to tight programme schedules, please ensure that you plan your presentation carefully and do not overrun your allocated time, as you may be cut short. On entering the Lecture Theatre, please sit in the front row so that you can quickly get to the podium when your name is called.

Please carefully note the amount of time you have been allocated for your talk. Please allow for question time which is an essential part of the conference. 


All ePosters will be available to view on 4 display screens located in the exhibition area in the Guildhall and on the conference app (unless you've requested for it not to be visible on the app).

Please email you poster pdf (A0 in size, portrait orientation) to before Sunday 1st September to give the team enough time to load them to the system.

Each ePoster has been give a scheduled 2 minute speaking slot in one of the ePoster sessions. Please prepare a two-minute presentation, plus 1 minute for questions (you will be presenting in front of your poster pdf, no powerpoint presentation slides are needed).

Please check your presentation time, board number and order of your presentation in the email that was sent with speaker guidelines. Please arrive at the start of your poster session and be ready to begin your talk as the person before you finishes.

Presentation preparation

When preparing your talk please adhere to the content in your abstract 

The session chair will pull up your poster on screen and call you to present, allocating 3 minutes to each ePoster presentation (2 minute presentation and 1 minute questions).

It is essential you are there at the start of the session and ready to stand as soon as the person before you finishes.

Please carefully note the amount of time you have been allocated for your talk. Please allow for 1 question which is an essential part of the conference. 

+44 (0) 1562 731788

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