Call for Papers

Theme: Children Caught in Conflict – Inspiring Positive Change

The World Congress on Family Law and Children's Rights invites submissions for presentations at its upcoming conference in Cambridge, taking place from 27th to 30th July 2025.

We welcome submissions on a wide range of topics related to the conference theme, including:

    • Children and the justice system
    • Child protection
    • Children’s rights and the modern family
    • Children in situations of vulnerability
    • Children and identity
    • Gender, disability, equality and equity
    • Children’s digital rights
    • Transparency and innovation in family court proceedings
    • Digital advances in resolving family disputes
    • Non-court dispute resolution processes including for cross-border families and children
    • Family violence and violence against women including coercive control
    • Sustainable development, the environment and children’s rights
    • Poverty and children’s rights
    • Child trafficking, forced marriage, female genital mutilation and exploitation of children
    • Regional and international protection of children’s rights
    • Children affected by war and other internecine conflicts

Key Dates

Abstract submission opens 
June 5th, 2024

Abstract submission deadline 
September 30th, 2024

Notification of abstract acceptance
November 30th, 2024

Early Bird registration opens
14 October 2024

Speaker registration deadline and payment
January 6th, 2025

Early Bird registration closes

10th March 2025

Full paper submission deadline
May 30th, 2025

Conference dates: July 27-30, 2025

Submission Process:

Step 1: Submit an Abstract (by September 30th, 2024)

  • Papers: Please submit your abstract in English. The abstract should be no more than 300 words. Submissions must include the title of the session, the presenter’s name, affiliation(s), email contact, and a short bio (150 words).If your abstract is successful and you are invited to present at the conference, please note that your presentation must be between 15 – 20 minutes in duration. Due to conference programming, presentations definitely cannot exceed 20 minutes.
  • Panels: Proposals for panels are welcome. Panels should consist of three or four presenters and a moderator. When submitting your proposal, please include the title of the session and an abstract of no more than 300 words. Please ensure that the abstract includes an explanation of the overarching theme for the session. In addition, please include the name, affiliation(s), email contact, and a short bio (150 words) for each speaker and the moderator.

    Step 2: Register for the Conference

    All accepted presenters must register and pay to attend the conference by January 6th, 2025. 

    Step 3: Submit a Full Paper 

    If your abstract is accepted, you will be required to submit a full paper (5,000 words or less) by May 30th, 2025.

    Expected Outputs:

    • Resolutions and Recommendations: Each panel will develop draft resolutions for discussion and ratification by the congress.
    • Publications: Selected papers may be published in a special edition of the Australian Journal of Family Law.

    Email if you have any questions.

    Appointed organiser: Opening Doors & Venues Ltd

    Tel +44 (0) 1562 731788


    Main website