An accredited representative is deemed to be working for a newspaper, news service, magazine, radio or television station or an online publication or blog. They should be able to provide evidence of this on request such as a valid, recognised press card.
Freelance journalists must provide evidence from their client (e.g. a recognised news organisation or publication), outlining their reasons for attendance.
Public relations and marketing representatives of organisations, companies and departments do not qualify for media passes and are welcome to attend at the membership rates.
This will not include free access to the social events such as the Gala Dinner; access to such events can be purchased separately through the SES office. The only exception to this is the Conference Rapporteur.
Media representatives will also be entitled to use the Press Room provided at the Conference.
Media outlets that wish to take photos or record at the Conference must seek permission first from the Communications and Engagement Manager and agree to share these with the SES.
To contact the SES Communication and Engagement Manager email
Caroline Alcock