Session Format


Sessions are either 60, 90 or 120 minutes in length. 60-minute sessions will typically include up to two papers, 90-minute sessions will typically include up to three papers, 120-minute sessions typically up to four. Papers should be presented within a maximum of 20 to 25 minutes so that there is sufficient time available for discussion. The presenter of the last paper in each session should serve as the Session Chair. Session Chairs are asked to enforce this limit with gusto!   

By default, each paper should be followed by separate discussion unless agreed differently between presenters and session Chair.  Where there are fewer papers in a session, Chairs may relax the time limit in consultation with presenters.

Please note: no sessions are being recorded apart from the Keynotes.

Click here to download a PowerPoint Slide Template


Each room comes equipped with an MS Windows computer and display equipment connected to a projector or plasma screen. Please bring your presentation on a USB memory stick in a format that can be read from a standard MS Windows installation (i.e. PowerPoint, Acrobat or MS Word file format). We regret that we will not have any adaptor cables or connectors available and actively discourage you from seeking to connect your laptop.

Conference volunteers will be available in each session room to assist you in loading your presentation. 



The conference will be in person only, with no virtual element. 

All presenters should enter the session 10 minutes before its scheduled start to do some testing and to meet with the chair and your co-presenters to make sure you are clear on the structure of the session and how to handle Q&A. 

Session Chairs

By default, the last presenter of the session is the session chair. If you have been assigned to chair your session, please make sure you go to the room 10 minutes prior to the start of the session. 

The responsibilities of the Chairs are to introduce briefly the session and the presenters, make sure that the time available is divided equally over the papers to be presented, and chair the brief time for discussion following the presentations. 

In case the scheduled Chair does not attend, the general rule is that the presenter of the session's actual last paper is expected to take the role of Chair, but feel free to come to an alternative agreement on the Chair; as long as you are clear before the session starts. If your session has fewer presentations than expected due to last minute cancellations, you can be a bit more flexible with the time, but bear in mind that the audience might be interested in attending other sessions too.


Sessions will not be recorded.

Membership enquiries:

Caroline Alcock

Scottish Economic Society:     
