We are delighted to invite you to the
Registration Opens:
11 January 2024
End of Early Bird registration:
30 April 2024
On behalf of ISTA, I would like to cordially invite all ISTA members, associates, and stakeholders to the ISTA Centenary Annual Meeting 2024, to be held from July 1–4, 2024, at the Cambridge Union Society in Cambridge, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
In the upcoming year 2024, ISTA will enter its second century and will be successfully completing 100 years of its wonderful journey. In the preceding 100 years, ISTA became a key organisation for ensuring the supply of quality seeds and a driver for improvements in seed quality testing globally. ISTA has been at the forefront of global seed and food security all these years. The history of ISTA is inextricably linked with the history of seed testing and working with a vision to ensure “uniformity in seed quality evaluation worldwide."
In view of the ISTA centenary celebrations, it is proposed to hold a Centenary Annual Meeting from July 1–4, 2024, in Cambridge, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, by inviting key global seed industry stakeholders, including representatives of agricultural ministries of ISTA-designated member countries and distinct economies, seed experts, researchers, and seed testing laboratories from around the world.
Please consider this as official invitation for the ISTA’s Centenary Celebrations to be held in Cambridge from July 1–4, 2024.
Looking forward to welcoming you in Cambridge!
Keshavulu Kunusoth
ISTA President
ISTA membership consists of Member Laboratories and Sampling Entities, Personal Members and Associate Members, from 83 countries/distinct economies. More than 130 of the Member Laboratories are accredited by ISTA and entitled to issue ISTA Certificates. The membership is a diverse collaboration of seed scientists and analysts from universities, research centres and seed testing laboratories around the world.
ISTA acts free from economic interest and political influence, and is unbiased, objective and fair. Our expertise is based on non-profit cooperation from an international community of over 400 competent and energetic seed scientists and analysts. ISTA works in developing standard seed testing methods, facilitates the trade of quality seeds and makes a valuable contribution to food security.
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